Stolen Investments Recovery Service

Stolen Investments Recovery Service 
(note: All information supplied to us is kept in strict confidence and privacy. This information will never be supplied to anyone with the following exceptions: the company who owes you money to prove ownership, and if all else fails local and international law enforcement (this choice will be your decision alone). Law enforcement will only be involved if YOU choose to go down that path.)

If you have been scammed by a website, have late payments due, lost payments, and so on. There is a very good chance we can recover this money for you.

Asset recovery refers to the task of recovery of assets that have been wrongfully taken either stolen, fraudulently misappropriated or otherwise disposed of to remove them from their rightful owner.

Asset recovery has three main elements—identification, redeployment, and divestment.

What we need from you:

The company name and web address, as well as any other information you can provide about the company.

Any information that identifies you as an account owner. Email address, phone number, home address, and any other person information used during sign up, as well as your username and complete name used to sign up for the service. If you have an account number or membership number this is needed as well. All emails you have received from this company in any regard, shape, or manner.

The total amount owed to you, along with any proof of such. Invoices, screen shots, emailed admissions from them with promises to pay and so on. Proof of what they owe you is of extreme importance, BUT this does NOT mean we still cannot recover your money for you even with lack of proof. You may not have these records...they do!

We will do a complete investigation on the company. Background check, company status (if they are a licensed company), as well as financial paperwork filed with their local agencies. Once we have evidence exposing them as a scam or fraud involved in illegal activity, we will contact them on your behalf. We will discuss your case with them, while also pointing out proof of illegal activity. Once they know we have them, it is usually enough to recover your funds fairly quickly.

Most of these companies are not even licensed Limited Liability Companies, so their day to day operations are against the law. Even companies with Limited Liability status are operating outside the regulations which govern this type of business. They do not have the assets to back such a company, nor the insurance to protect their own investors. All illegal...and very easy to prove. Even if they are from a country like Russia they cannot escape justice. Take a quick look at our 'Legal Resources' section and you will see no one is immune from the law. Some cases just take longer than others. Companies that deal with the exchange of money require further licensing and are not eligible for Limited Liability status.

If they come up as a clean company (they NEVER do), recovering your funds is usually much easier. The last things an honest company wants is their name dragged through the mud and bad publicity.

We bust scam and fraudulent websites for a living, and we have become exceedingly good at our job. The entire process should take no more than a month at most.

What we require:

An email from the account holder giving us permission to act and communicate on their behalf in this matter. 


Money we recover will be sent directly to you from the company which owes it.

We ask for a fee of $10.00 in bitcoin upfront sent to the following address: 1AtMhty1sRsj2Lhu9SmUJzHH8uQ7Ct9fn3 . We require this not only to prove you are serious about the case, but to help offset the costs of such things as court paperwork costs and background checks. Once we have recovered your money we ask for a final payment of$30.00 btc taddress: 1AtMhty1sRsj2Lhu9SmUJzHH8uQ7Ct9fn3, BEFORE we release the money and all evidence. This protects us from being scammed. Unless of course you are feeling more generous as we can always use the funds.

Please email all information we asked for above to, as well as the $10.00 in btc retainer payment to btc address 1AtMhty1sRsj2Lhu9SmUJzHH8uQ7Ct9fn3 . Once we receive the email and verify your payment you will receive a reply from us in less than 24 hours, and we will begin working on your case immediately.

Aside from us posted a detailed scam warning regarding the fraudulent website here on our website, we will of course turn over all evidence discovered during the working of this case to you to keep for your records.

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